Algorithm of actions in website development


Contact me!

"I offer Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones in grey color" — this is all I need to start working. Seriously, with just this one phrase, I can create a full-fledged website. Later, you will send me the details: "Set this price, here's my email, and you already know the phone number."

Everything is very simple, and it's important to understand that. If you have any data for the site, send it to me, and I will determine what is needed. If there is no data, it's not a problem, I will organize it myself.

Advance payment


Starting work on the website

In a few days, I will provide you with a link to your website. I will also explain why each element is located where it is and looks the way it does (there will be a separate detailed presentation with images and a lot of text).

All decisions made during the development of the website will be justified. Each of them will contribute to achieving the goal (sales, service orders, subscriptions, etc.), not done "without proper thought or planning," as most developers do.

Second stage


First screen READY

After making the advance payment, you will see the first screen of your future website. It's not scary to pay the next 300 dollars, right? You do this, after which I will fully complete the PC version of the site (this is the version for computers and laptops).

Third Stage


PC Version of the site READY

This is the version for computers, laptops, netbooks, even televisions. When everything suits you again, you pay, and I proceed to the next stage of turnkey website development.

Fourth stage


Adaptive READY

Tablet and mobile versions are ready (understand that there will be one site, it just adapts to different screens and devices).

Note: The example considers the stages of creating a single-page website. If you have a multi-page site, these will be the stages of developing the main page, after which I will be making the internal pages. Payment will be simplified: I made it — you paid. There is no need to break this process into stages.


Here's Your Site!

Next, I will proceed to the final stage of development (insert a map with your marker, set up sending requests to your mail, optimize the code, compress images, etc.), after which I will create an archive with the site.

If necessary, for an additional fee, I will register a domain (in your name) and hosting, upload the site there, and set everything up.

You will also have a simple admin panel, with which you can change any text on the site, images, insert metric codes, etc. You will receive a detailed video instruction on managing the site through this admin panel. Although it is already maximally intuitive and does not require special training. Even a child will figure it out.


I'll do It, no problem

It's important to understand that revisions must be justified in the process of turnkey website development. So, if you write: 'Let's add jungle sounds as background music on the page selling computer accessories,' I will ask: 'How does this change relate to the site's content and help increase sales?

"Often, revisions can worsen the site, and clients, unknowingly, reduce their future profits. It's important to understand that, turning to me, you must trust me as an expert. I know my job, and just as you won't teach a surgeon to perform surgery, you don't need to implement your personal tastes with my hands.

The secret is that the site is made not for you, but for 51% of the site's visitors, specifically for the tastes and perceptions of the majority of people, not for self-satisfaction. It's great that someone likes buttons with eye-popping colors, but that's no reason to condemn all site visitors to irritation of the optic nerve. The site must perform its function first, and then please the owner.

But in any case, if after my attempt to justify why your option is worse than mine, you still want to make this change — I will do it.


I'm always available and will help as i can!

In the future, if you need to change the price, phone number, add a new assortment, a banner for a holiday, or any other change, you just write to me, and I will do it.

Yes, not for free, but at least I won't break the site. After all, after hiring a student for 3 dollars, you will still turn to me to fix his mistakes, and fixing someone else's mistakes will obviously be more expensive for you.

So write — I'm confident we'll agree!

Free consultaion

Invite you to a free consultation! This is a great opportunity to discuss your needs and find the best solutions. Leave your contacts, and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible!

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